This Adaptive Reuse project in the Historic Shaw Neighborhood of Washington, DC transformed the former Margaret Murray Washington Public School into 82 affordable apartments for independent seniors. The original school structure, built in 1912 and subsequently added to in 1928 and 1938, was restored using Historic Tax Credits form the National Park Service Section 106 Process to supplement the Low Income Housing Tax Credits granted from HUD. The more recent 1971 Gymnasium addition underwent substantial modifications to its mass and skin to introduce a more residential scale and create a more sympathetic partner for this historic structure. The project was a joint development of Mission First Housing Group, Urban Matters, the Mt. Lebanon Community Development Corporation/Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in cooperation with the Washington Interfaith Network.
Sustainability: Green Communities
Awards: 2016 AIA Northern Virginia Chapter Award, 2015 Timmy Award, Judge’s Award 2015 AIA Potomac Valley Merit Award, 2014 DC Mayor’s Award for Historic Preservation, Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation
Photographer: Hoachlander Davis Photography