Like many traditional neighborhoods in the Washington, DC area, Chevy Chase is plagued by tear-downs and overbuilding as residents strive to maintain and add value to their property. Reluctant to tear down their house, the owners approached Cunningham | Quill to conduct a full renovation and addition while respecting the scale and character of the existing structure. The new addition - a rear kitchen space, a wing with master suite and garage, and an expanded attic level - creates much-needed space for this growing family. The extensive renovation involved reinforcing or restoring the house’s aging foundation, structure, details, and materials; replacing windows and updating the stormwater management systems by regrading the backyard.
Additions to the house make the most out of the existing space with minimum impact. An expanded kitchen and living space projects from the back of the house. Lined with windows, the space knits the interior living areas with the landscape. On the attic level, the former storage space was opened up to create a light-filled guest suite and office, allowing open views to the front and rear.
Awards: 2008 Best of Kitchen Washington Spaces Magazine Award; Published, Washingtonian Magazine, 2008; Published, Home Magazine, 2008
Photographer: Paul Burk Photography