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Cunningham | Quill Architects Receives its Seventy-First AIA Award

Cunningham | Quill Architects received its 71st AIA Award on Nov. 4th, 2016 at the Visions for Architecture Gala at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia during the conference Architecture Exchange East. These 71 AIA awards represent over twenty years of recognized design excellence, across a broad spectrum of project types. Over the course of the year, Cunningham | Quill Architects has been honored with eight AIA awards for a variety of project typologies in the Mid-Atlantic region. In achieving this milestone, we are proud of the work that our team has achieved this year - continuously innovating and developing architectural design solutions that not only build community, but also provides a transformative experience for our clients and users.


AIA Central Virginia, Merit Award Strategic Investment Area Plan, Charlottesville, VA

One of 13 awarded projects from 28 submitted entries.

Strategic Investment Area Plan, Charlottesville, VA

“The Strategic Investment Plan thoughtfully addresses a variety of key planning issues, including the following, which the jury thought worthy of award: extensive community engagement in the planning effort; neighborhood-scale ecological planning and green infrastructure including stormwater management; connection to existing successful urban space (the Downtown Mall); appropriate urban density and scale of development, relative to existing context; integration of multiple types of open space to support community activities and growth; consideration of the appropriate mix of retail, housing, and green space that can make for successful urban environments.”

~ AIA Central Virginia Jury

AIA Maryland, Citation Award in Interior Architecture R.I.S.E Demonstration Center, Washington, DC

One of 25 awarded projects from 129 submitted entries.

R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center
Juxtaposition of Old and New in Renovated and Restored Chapel Interior, Now the Lecture Hall

AIA Northern Virginia, Merit Award in Institutional Architecture

Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship House, Washington, DC

Four of 38 awarded projects from 124 submitted entries.

Courtyard Addition with Detail of Copper-Clad Residential Bays

Merit Award in Commercial Architecture

House of Lebanon, Washington, DC

Detail of Contemporary Skin Modifications to the Original 1971 Gymnasium and Classroom Addition

Merit Award in Commercial Architecture

The Hyde, Arlington, VA

Corner of Front (South) Elevation Highlighting Private Unit Balconies

Merit Award in Historic Architecture

Tucker Hall, College Of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Detail of New Library and Study Area at the Restored Cupola

AIA Potomac Valley, Merit Award in Institutional Architecture

Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship House, Washington, DC

One of 9 awarded projects from 63 submitted entries.

Ground Floor Garden Room Crisp and Bright Interiors Create a Welcoming Environment for Fellows

AIA Virginia, Honorable Mention for Excellence in Architecture Lifestyle Safeway, Alexandria, VA

One of 19 awarded projects out of 146 submitted entries.

View Towards the Pedestrian Courtyard Created at the Prow of the New Building

~Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA Freeman Morgan Architects was the Associate Architect on the project.


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